Premium Summon: “Merciless Blade: Victoria”

Thank you for playing The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden.

Premium Summon: “Merciless Blade: Victoria” Now Live!

A new summon featuring Merciless Blade: Victoria is available!

Character Details

For details of the character’s stats and skills, please refer to [Profile] from the top right of the Summon screen(in-game).


12/13 15:00 – 12/28 3:59 (UTC)

Summon Overview

In this selection summon, Merciless Blade: Victoria is featured at an increased banner rate!
And every time you obtain Merciless Blade: Victoria, you’ll receive 50x Shards (Merciless Blade)!
Get an S-rank character or above guaranteed on your 10th pull! (Summon x10)

Exchange Points

Each time you perform a Summon, you will receive 1 Exchange Point.
Points can be traded for the following items at [Exchange] in Summon.

See below for more details and important notes regarding Exchange Points.

Exchange Points Item
200pt Merciless Blade: Victoria
30pt Blade of Judgement Magic Drop

Exchange Point Schedule

12/13 15:00 – 12/28 3:59 (UTC)

* If you obtain a character you already owned, duplicates will be converted into exclusive Magic Cores for that character.

Magic Gear Details

Magic Gear Special Effects
Merciless Blade: Blade of Judgement Each time DMG is inflicted, raises own Overheal by 10.00% (Permanent). Further recovers HP by 30.00% of ATK.

* The effects shown above are at maximum level.


Please refer to [Probabilities] at the right center of the Summon screen for the summon rate and related details.

Important Notes

* The count for the “Once-a-Day Paid Gem Summon” is reset each day at 19:00 (UTC).
* You may summon characters that you already own.
* If you obtain an SS-rank character you already owned, duplicates will be converted into exclusive Magic Cores for that character.
* You cannot receive shards from characters that can be obtained with Exchange Points from the Exchange.
* An error may occur if you attempt to Summon after the event is over.
This is caused by summoning after an update has occurred. No Phantasm Gems will be consumed as a result of this error.
* The contents of the Summon banner and its availability may change without prior notice.
* Merciless Blade: Victoria will be added to the Regular Summon banner after this Premium Summon: “Merciless Blade: Victoria” ends.

Thank you for your support and we hope you continue to enjoy The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden.